“I can’t do everything, need more time to grow my business and quality free time to enjoy life outside work.” Does this sound familiar? If this is you, then you should explore how DoTimely can help you.
I have talked to many business owners that want to start using a software to save time but don’t find time to try the software. You will have to break through this vicious cycle and take control of your life.
Let me walk you through a typical day and show how different it can be if you use DoTimely:-

You start your morning walks and the phone starts ringing, you let it go to your voicemail. In between walks you check the voicemail and make notes for your customer requests - new appointment, calling to change the appointment time, have a question on invoice, cancel a service, give new instruction and on and on…
End of the day you listen to rest of the voicemails, check your emails and start updating your notes or calendar.
you get the notification on changes and your schedule is automatically updated on the app.
Now this is how your day can be if you use DoTimely, customer is making new requests or changing day or time of the appointment, in between your appointments you access your DoTimely app, review the request and accept or reject per your schedule. No need to look at it all at the end of the day.
A customer adds a note to appointment and when you access the appointment on your app, you have the latest note to review.
When a customer cancels the appointment - you get the notification and your schedule is automatically updated on the app.
Customers have access to their and pet’s profile and can make updates. You don’t have to be in the middle of everything. Your customers are happy as they can request an appointment and edit any information per their time convenience.

users are saving 20+ hours a week!
Now if you use packages, DoTimely takes care of all the information how many services are still left in a package without requiring you to spend time counting appointments in your calendar and keeping track of it.
Invoicing is the other area where you save tons of time. I have written a complete post on how automating invoicing can help you save time and money. I suggest you read that too.
Now if you have a business with many sitters and walkers and you are on the field yourself with them, then you really do need DoTimely.
Communicating with your staff members with all the schedule changes that happen is a nightmare. With the app they get the updates real time. They have all the information on the app that they need to service the customer. With GPS tracking, check-in/checkout photos and lapsed email notification you know your customers are serviced on time. Calculating payouts for the staff is click away.
No need to worry who has the key to this customer’s house, DoTimely tracks all the information for you.
You got your own business to have flexibility and time to do the things that you love, so why not put DoTimely to work and get that much needed time back into your life. Our customers are saying they are saving 20+ hours a week by using DoTimely. Take a vacation and oversee your business from anywhere. Yes, you can do all this and much more.
But first you have to find time in your schedule to try out DoTimely. We are here to help you with your questions and get you setup quickly.
Help yourself and grow your business, click here to get started for FREE.
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