Manage your staff

Managing Staff with Dotimely is a breeze. We take care from scheduling to paystub generation.
  • Easy Scheduling
  • Push Notifications
  • Custom Rates
  • Time-Off and Availability Management
  • Automatic Paystub Generation
Staff Calendar

Easy Staff Scheduling

View the calendar by staff color to see the available slots. You can also see the day view for each staff side by side for easy scheduling. Once the appointment is assigned to staff, they get the real time notifications on the app.

Staff Calendar
Staff Custom Rate

Staff Custom Rates

No need to do calculations based on different staff pay out rate. You can create custom rates for each service in their profile and DoTimely will create a paystub based on that rate. You save time and reduce calculation errors. Don’t need custom rates, we let you assign the default payout rate as percentage or fixed rate for the service.

Staff Time-Off and Availability

You can enter your staff’s time-off by days or even specific hours during the day. You also have option to enter your staff’s work hours especially if they are part-time workers. Then just check their availability before appointment assignment. DoTimely will give their availability based on time-off, working hours and already scheduled appointment.

Staff vacation
Generate Automatic Paystub for your Staff

Automatic Paystub Generation

One-time setup the paystub creation schedule – weekly, bi-weekly or monthly and let DoTimely take care of the rest. Your staff can view their paystubs in the system. Once the payment is done just mark it paid, all done.