Benefits of messaging

We live in the era where customers are used to text messages and need for instant gratification. Messaging apps have over 5 billion monthly users worldwide. The chances that your customers are familiar with this communication channel and are using it is very high.


Chat has higher satisfaction rating compared to email and phone.

With this, rises the need of incorporating messaging for your business. You might be calling it instant messaging or simply chat. This communication channel is the future that even Facebook recognized and decided to purchase WhatsApp. Industry leaders say, chat has higher satisfaction rating compared to email and phone. It’s a great casual and organic communication channel which is easy to get started with. Here are some of the benefits you can get using messaging for your business.

  • Usage convenience

    Emails can get buried in customer’s inboxes or phone call can take additional effort to reconnect. Instead, you can use chat to stay in touch with your customer more effectively and the quick back and forth seems more natural. You or your customer can chat while continuing to multi-task.

  • Stronger customer relations

    In chat you can scroll up to review all the previous conversation at same place, this helps you to respond to customers with a more personalized message and your customers will feel valued and connected.

  • Ease of supervision

    With chat you can monitor the sessions and transcripts between staff and customers any time. This helps you to ensure the staff is maintaining your business standards. As a professional organization you need the ability to keep your business communication in a single domain that you have control over. If you or your staff use text messages things can go into blind spots.

  • Fulfill all needs

    You can send photos, videos and files directly through chat, no need to switch to another channel or download attachments.


  • Create options

    Some of the customers hate picking up the phone or avoid back and forth e-mail responses. Chat gives another option to the customers to interact with you.

  • Stay connected

    With chat customers are always connected with you. They don’t need to search for phone number or e-mail address. E-mail and phone call could be mistimed in some cases and chat provides the just-in-time service.

Messaging (chat) is seamless two-way communication between you and your customers and enhances the customers experience, engagement, and brand loyalty. Happy and engaged customers will lead to a healthy business. Service industry is a natrual fit to leverage this channel and reap its benefits.